Experimental Blog-Modern Post Post

Title-like Thing

I think I will use this second post as a place to experiment with all that is or might become or might cease to become or have been possible within the magical world of the wordpress editor.

This is a 'strofe', at least, in Dutch. I'm Dutch. I prefer English usually, unless the words... what's the word?

Anyways, I'll have to see if I can change that in my settings.

Oh so this is a strophe! Of course. I knew that. It's a.k.a. 'stanza', at least so I'm told by the translation app that's in my mind so long as it counts that I mind having to use a translation app when the words...

What's the word? 
I forget.

Oh, also, the example stanza shown had like a tab. for the first line. I don't know how to do that though.


First of all, empty entries as a way of dividing paragraphs seems not to be allowed.


Will that work?

dot (doesn’t automatically Capitalise. France could learn a thing or two.)

(I had an empty line above this one)


In conclusion, (oh you can underline with CTRL+u even though it’s not a shown option) concludingly:

More to follow

Door Alex

Hi, I'm Alex, and before I tell you that I love coming up with ideas and translating experiences into stories, and that I think existence is infinitely interesting but simultaneously equally strange, which I hope to reflect in my writings, and that I hope you'll enjoy my writings, I have to say - you are looking smashing today!